Pain, permanent solution to knee pain

In middle and advanced ages, especially in the presence of excess weight, pain due to degeneration and calcification develops in the knee joints. Sometimes the pain is accompanied by limitation of movement. Knee prosthesis can be required in advanced osteoarthritis (Stage 3). However, in stages 1 and 2, if the pain does not go away despite drug treatment for more than 3 months, if this pain is present at night while lying down or climbing stairs, you can be a candidate for this treatment.

This treatment is the increase in blood supply that causes pain in the knee and the occlusion of the most extreme parts of the feeders of the stimulated nerves (embolization procedure). The effect starts in approximately 1 week, reaches maximum effectiveness between 1 month and 4 months, and you have a pain-free life for years. Movements are also a little slower, but relaxed. The treatment does not harm the knee joint or cartilage. It is the most up-to-date treatment in the treatment of knee pain, the patient is awake on the angiogram table, and you are discharged after 4 hours. Knee examination and MRI control are helpful before the procedure.